Fire-Proof Replacement Windows and Doors: Installation Techniques

Replacing windows and doors in fire-prone areas requires special installation techniques to ensure the safety of the building and its occupants. Building codes are based on fire and smoke protection features, and door assemblies in smoke partitions must be protected by specific construction requirements and air leaks. When replacing a door frame, it's important to use screws that are long enough to keep the door in place in case of hurricane-force winds. Fire window frames are typically used on corridor walls and can be provided for the construction of masonry or drywall.

Additional measures to mitigate heat entry through the door include shading the door with a covered entrance or vegetation, avoiding or minimizing glass in the door assembly, and using a white or clear color as a finish on the outer side of the door.


and windows may be required to limit the passage of fire or smoke, and fire escape hardware devices can be used on labeled doors, as long as the door label specifically says: “The fire door must be equipped with fire escape accessories.” UL certified fire door and window frames carry a UL registration mark or a UL certified mark that appears on the frame where it is visible after installation. When selecting locking devices, it is important to use the correct length of the locking bolt, a requirement that may vary depending on the construction of the door and the manufacturer's list.