Replacement Windows and Doors in High-Altitude Areas: What You Need to Know

Living in a high-altitude area can present unique challenges when it comes to installing replacement windows and doors. Approximately 1% of the U. S. population lives at an altitude of 5,000 feet or more, and window manufacturers have had to carefully examine the options available to address these high-altitude installations.

To combat this, special high-altitude glass is used, as well as capillary tubes between glass panels to allow air pressure to equalize and remove argon gas. Metal frames must also have a thermal break, that is, an insulating plastic strip placed between the inside and outside of the frame and the sheet. When selecting new windows, consider the frame materials, the characteristics of the glazing or glass, the gas fillers and spacers, and the type of operation. The Andersen architectural collection offers high-performance window glass specifically designed to withstand high altitudes and adverse conditions. These sheets are economical compared to total window replacement, last 10 to 15 years without peeling, save energy, reduce fabric discoloration and increase comfort. The R value describes how well the space between the window panes works to isolate the window.

For more detailed information on glazing options, visit Efficient Windows Collaborative for information on the specific properties and efficiency of different glazing options. Marvin and Integrity Windows are working on solutions for our market. If you're looking for a team of dedicated professionals who can recommend and install these sturdy, sustainable windows in your home, contact Clearly Windows & Doors. To ensure that your windows are installed correctly in a high-altitude area, take a virtual tour and visit a showroom.